Suction technique

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October 21, 2005, 02:34 AM
Suction technique
This is likely a trivial question to most of you but I will ask it anyway. Is suction of an endotracheal tube a sterile or an asceptic technique? I have been told I must wear sterile gloves. Is is this how it is still taught? Of course the more clean the better but is suction not a clean technique none the less. This is of course using an open circuit suction technique. When possible a closed circuit technique would be the first choice. I think mine is more a question of symantics.
October 25, 2005, 07:33 PM
I can partially answer your question on the succion technique. I teach at Collège de Rosemont, Montréal, Canada, and yes, we do teach that it is a sterile technique. I would expect that the standards of care in the USA are pretty much the same than in Canada. We teach to students that, not only they have to wear sterile gloves (for an open technique), but also a mask and face shield. Hands have to be washed before and after, and they have to wear gloves and mask at all times when doing rounds. The RRTs are particulary to be "blamed" for "crossed infetions" (sorry about the miss translation, but I cannot find a better word). We are particulary worried about infections since the Toronto SARS event and the upcomming avian flu deasater to be...

Roger J. Bellerose, Professor
Collège de Rosemont
December 19, 2005, 01:00 PM
What a zig.