On the Avea ventilator in nicu I am under the impression that if they order a PIP of 20, peep of 5, then that means that PC 15 + 5peep gives you the PIP 20. The measured PIP from the monitor will read correct at 20cm. Some believe that for PIP of 20 , you put PC 20. then peep 5, but that will give you a measured PIP of 25 on the monitor. Anybody know which is the correct setting?
By ordering PIP the order is for the Peak Inspiratory Pressure. In the scenario you describe a PEEP of 5 and driving Pressure of 15 cm would give you a PIP of 20, so this is correct. Ordering a PIP of 20 and setting the PIP at 25 is not correct per the order. The scenario for a PIP of 25 would be correct only if the order was written peep of 5 and a driving pressure of 20 cm. This seems to be confusing to everybody.
On the Avea's, the change in pressure is +15 cmh20 but you don't set inspiratory pressure, you set PIP so if the doc orders a PIP of 20, you just set that and the driving pressure is PIP-PEEP.
I would like to ask to RedRRT about the use of Avea vent in NICU. Just want to know if your are using SIMV with pressure support or other modes with PS to your patient. How do you find using Avea in premature, does it use flow sensor the same with Babylog 8000. And I believe that Avea has a NIPPV mode in which it can incorporate the use of different. Have you ever try it in neonates? Thank you!
Posts: 2 | Location: qatar | Registered: March 30, 2007
To answer the question from Chrislim, We normally use Pressure IMV mode. PC machine breaths but baby can breath spont. in between. With that mode of course you are able to add Pressure support. It does have a flow sensor. We have disposable and non.