NIPPV questions

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August 22, 2006, 12:30 PM
<G. Jones>
NIPPV questions
Hi, I have some questions regarding NIPPV and CPAP when used in the hospital. Is it common or accepted to have an NG tube placed if the patient is having a problem with swallowing air? If so, typically what size NG tube is used in an adult male? Is the NG tube attached to low suction or just left to vent to ambient? Also, what kind or brand of full face mask is popular for hospital use? If you were using a circuit with a built in exhalation port, could you use an anesthesia mask and a tight fitting harness? Thanks for you responses.
August 27, 2006, 05:35 PM
I am not sure about what size NG tube to use or whether to leave to ambient air or attach to low suction.I do know that the Respironics Performa Trak mask or the Resmed mask work well.I would not recommend using an anesthesia mask/harness with that circuit. Port not big enough to allow for adequant exhalation.
August 28, 2006, 11:13 PM
Either you believe in the "opening the tube gets the air in" therory or you don't...
Some would say that putting an NG tube opens the oesophagus and lets the air in; or you think that the air goes in the stomac anyway and you need to decompress it with the NG tube...

the size does not really mather...

ps: sorry , english is not my native tongue, please excuse any speling or grammar error!